terça-feira, 13 de março de 2018


con Los Beatles


1. NO FALTA MUCHO (It won't be long) (Lennon-McCartney)
2. TODO LO QUE DEBO HACER (All love go to do)* (Lennon-McCartney)
3. TODO MI CARIÑO (All my loving) (Lennon-McCartney)
4. NO ME MOLESTES (Don't bother me) (Harrison)
5. NIÑITO (Little child) (Lennon-McCartney)
6. HASTA QUE EXISTAS TU (Till there was you) (Wilson)*
7. POR FAVOR SEÑOR CARTERO (Please Mister Postman) (Holland)


1. ROLL SOBRE BEETHOVEN (Roll over Beethoven) (Berry)
2. ESTRECHAME FUERTEMENTE (Hold me tight) (Lennon-McCartney)
3. REALMENTE ME TIENES AGARRADO (You really go a hold on me)* (Robinson)
4. QUIERO SER TU HOMBRE (I wanna be you man)* (Lennon-McCartney)
5. EL DIABLO EN SU CORAZÓN (Devil in my heart)* (Draskin)*
6. NO POR SEGUNDA VEZ (Not a second time)  (Lennon-McCartney)
7. DINERO (Money) (Bradford)*

[1969] ODEON URL 2096


All love go to do = All I've got to do
Wilson = [Meredith] Willson
You really go a hold on me = You really got a hold on me
I wanna be you man = I wanna be your man
Devil in my heart = Devil in her heart
Draskin = [Richard] Drapkin
Bradford = [Janie] Bradford - Berry Gordy

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